Asian Health Organisations 

Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) - rehabilitation centre, helpline, adoptions, send a hug, case files
AAPI - American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
Action for Autism - provides relief services for people with autism and their families in India
Ashwini Back-Care
Association of Voluntary Blood Donors - AVBD motivates people in West Bengal to donate blood
Bombay Leprosy project - a voluntary organisation working for the leprosy patients.
Coimbatore Cancer Foundation - care, counselling, guidance & educational services for cancer patients
Family Planning Association - A new dimension to the Indian family planning programme.
Federation of Bombay Blood Bank - voluntary blood donors organisation
Geriatrics Society of India - news, information, activities, publications etc.
Gujarat Cancer Society
Health Awareness Centre - promoting health care as self care
Health Education Library for People - Consumer Health Education Library.
Heartmate - providing help to heart patients
Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, Dehra Dun - emphasise community-oriented medical education.
IASIndia - emergency medical and rescue service
IRIS - Institute for Remedial Intervention Services working on autism in Chennai
India Board of Alternative Medicines - promote and develop alternative medicines.
IndiaOrth - a site for and by Indian orthopaedic professionals.
Indian Cancer Society - a voluntary charitable national organisation to fight cancer
Indian Health Organisation's Website - AIDS education and other links.
Indian Medical Association - voluntary organisation representing the medical practitioners.
Indmedica - site with lots of journals,medical sites, equipment etc.
Institute for Psychological Health (IPH) - official website of IPH which works for the goal of mental health for all.
Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences - a unique charitable health centre to provide relief to humanity
International Benevolent Services - This site is designed to care for leprosy sufferers, widows.
Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society - association for ophthalmic surgeons in India.
Jeevan Blood Bank and Research Centre - community blood centre providing safe blood components
Lasik - eye hospital run by Nethra Jyothi trust
MediCiti Hospitals - a non profit health care system founded by NRIs in US
Medical Computer Society of India
Medical Computing Society of India
Mentaid - provides help to mentally afftected patients
Mental Health - an organization for sucide prevention.
Mohan Foundation - promotes cause of organ donation. Distributes Donor Cards.
Muktangan - involved in de-addiction, rehabilitation for drug addicts and alcoholics
Mukti - manufactures artificial limbs and provides them free.
Mumbai Thalassaemic Society

National AIDS Control Organisation - information on the disease, programmes & schemes etc.
National AIDS Trainers-India - clinicians engaged in AIDS awareness campaign
National Liver Foundation - information on liver transplant, support for disease patients etc.
Neem Foundation - voluntary organisation striving to promote the use of neem
Neurological Society of India - to promote and encourage medical research in this country.
PDFI, Mumbai - site of Parkinson's disease foundation of India
Project Thalassaemia - an awareness and relief campaign for Thalassaemia patients
Schizophrenia Research Foundation India - voluntary organisation in Madras.
Schizophrenia Research Foundation(SCARF) - non profit organization providing schizophrenia care & research
Southern Health Improvement Samity - involved in child health care and eradication of TB in South Bengal.
Spastics Society of Eastern India - helps children with cerebral palsy and their families.
Spastics Society of Eastern India - helps children with cerebral palsy and their families
Sree Chitra Tirunal - hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.
Swami Sivananda Charitable Hospital
Tamilnadu Kidney Research Foundation
The Bombay Obstetric and Gynaecological Society
The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association - providing information on manufacturers and traders in surgical business.
Urological Society of India - official site of the association of urologists
Vaidya M. P. Nanal Ayurved Foundation - learn ayurveda in an innovative manner.
Voluntary Blood Donors' Association
Yogamalika - centre to promote philosophy and culture.
For Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists - Prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformation course
International Union against Cancer (UICC)
Cancer Patients Aid Association -
International Agency for Research on Cancer -
Information and Support service advocating complementary therapies as part of cancer treatment - Cancer Research Campaign, U.K. - American Cancer Society (ACS) - American Society of Clinical Oncology - National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship -
Center Watch (Clinical trials listing service) -
Dr. Koop's Community (Cancer information) -
Medicine Online - Oncology dosage calculation software - M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Oncolink - Multimedia resource including a virtual class room and speciality-oriented menus - Quintiles Oncology Therapeutics -
World Oncology Network Global directory of physicians to facilitate the care of patients traveling abroad

Further general information Your doctors and specialist nurses are in an ideal position to give you relevant information on your disease and treatment as they know your individual circumstances. Cancerbackup has a  telephone help line ( 0808 800 1234) and a prize winning video available in English, Italian, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati and Hindi explaining Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy. has over 500 pages describing cancer, common tests, its management, treatment side effects, tips to alleviate them, advice on fertility, bone health, clinical trials, and practical issues such as travelling, finance, support groups, sexuality, smoking, diet and exercise.

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