Ovarian cancer 


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Ovarian cancer, can affect women of all ages but particularly those in late middle age. If often presents after it has spread form the ovaries. The most common types are serous or mucinous cystadenoma but rare forms included metastasis from other sites of the body including breast or bowel. 

Mostly we do not know why ovarian cancers start but there is an association with a strong family obesity and the use of talc. The treatment is removal of the ovaries along with the fallopian tubes and uterus (Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo opherectomy) often preceded or followed by chemotherapy. 

Read more about the management of ovarian cancer:

Other useful links and further resources:

What is cancerAbout specific cancers; Breast | Prostate | Bowel.  Cancer treatments; Chemotherapy | Radiotherapy | Hormones | Biological agents | Complementary.  Lifestyle advice; Exercise | Diet | Smoking | Sunbathing | Alcohol.  Cope with symptomsTraveling | Insurance | Making a will | Support groups  | Tests for cancer | Clinical trials. ...site map
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